パウンドケーキ(Pound Cake)を作る(その2): Triple Layer Chocolate Pound Cakeを作る。

Triple layer Chocolate Pound Cake (Chocolate Ombre Batter Cake)は、3層構造をもつ美しいバターケーキですが組成はパウンドケーキ相当になります。ファットスプレッドを加えることでカステラとパウンドケーキの中間ぐらいの食感に仕上げてみました。

Ingredients: 材料組成

汎用している牛乳パックで作成した直方体の焼き型(7cm x 7cm x 33 cm)を使用します(作成方法は→カステラを焼くを参照)。使用した材料は、ココアパウダー(Ven Houten COCOA)、バター(北海道バター、雪印メグミルク)、ファットスプレッド(ネオソフト、雪印メグミルク)、牛乳(酪農牛乳),、以下はすべていつもの材料です。

Cocoa Pastetotal volume ≒ 140 gram
Pure Cocoa Powder28 gram
Water (Boiling Water)55 gram
Superfine Sugar55 gram
Baking Soda1.2 gram
Cocoa Powder: Note that baking soda has been activated since it was combined into the mixture.
Flour Mixturetotal volume ≒ 250 gram
Cake Flour173 gram
Bread Flour70 gram
Baking Powder7 gram (2pack)
Flour Mixture: The protein concentration of the flour mixture is about 11%.
Basic ButterTotal 942 gram
Salted Batter170 gram
Fat Spread107 gram
Powdered Superfine Sugar132 gram
Whole Egg4 e.a.
Whole Milk (warmed)83 gram
Flower Mixture125 gram (1/2 volume)
Vanilla Oila few drops
Basic Butter: Note that the powdered superfine sugar should be prepared immediately before use, that is simply made to be blended in a food blender in about 5 minutes.

Instructions: 調理法

オーブンを180℃に予熱します。!L容積の牛乳パックを2つ合わせてカステラを焼くとき同様に7cm x 7cm x 33cmのカスタムの焼き型を作成します。内側にクッキングシートで作成した紙の焼き型を入れます(作り方はカステラを焼くの記事参照)。total 250グラムになります。

⑥最後に残り半分量(125グラム)の混合(小麦)粉を篩い、生地が乳化するまで丁寧に混ぜます。total 942グラムとなります。

Making Basic butter: ① Prepare the flower mixture to sieve 173 gram cake flower. 70 gram bread flower and 7 gram (2 packs) baking powder all in one over a deep dish. ② In a large bowl, place 170 gram salted butter (cubed), 107 gram fat spread and 132 gram powdered superfine sugar to whisk patiently until it’s creamy. ③ Add 4 whole eggs one by one to electric-whisk until well incorporated carefully avoiding de-emulsification. ④ Sieve the half volume (125 gram) of the flour mixture over the egg-butter mixture to whisk until well incorporated. ⑤ Pour 83 gram warmed whole milk and whisk to loosen the butter. Add a few drops of vanilla oil. ⑥ Sieve the leftover of the flower mixture and whisk well. The basic butter has done.


Making Cocoa paste: ① Combine 28 gram pure cocoa powder and 55 gram boiling water in a small bowl until well dissolved. ② Add 55 gram superfine sugar and 1.2 gram baking soda to whisk until completely dissolved. ③ Let it cool at room temperature.

ココアベーシックバッターの材料組成は下表のとおりです。このココアベーシックバッターをこの後様々な割合でベーシックバッターと混合して1層目と2層目に敷く生地を作成します。分配しやすいようにtotal 500グラムで作成します。

Cocoa Basic Buttertotal 500 gram
Cocoa Paste140 gram
Basic Batter360 gram
For bottom (1st) layer360 gram
For middle (2nd) layer140 gram
Cocoa Basic Butter: To simplify the next course, prepare 500 gram cocoa basic batter.


Making Cocoa Basic batter: ① Fold the 140 gram cocoa paste into the 360 gram basic batter evenly in a middle bowl. ② Pour the 360 gram cocoa in to the square mold as the 1st layer. ③ Even the surface.



Soft Cocoa buttertotal 390 gram
Cocoa Basic Butter140 gram
Basic Butter250 gram
Soft Cocoa Butter for the 2nd layer


Making the 2nd layer and Oven-baking: ① Fold the remaining 140 gram cocoa basic butter into the 250 gram basic butter evenly in another bowl (ie. metal bowl). ② Pour the soft cocoa butter into the mold as the 2nd layer to even the surface. ③ Finally, pour the remaining 373 gram basic butter into the mold as the top layer to even the surface. ④ Oven-bake at 180C for about 60 minutes until the surface gets golden brown.

④オーブンで180℃ x 約60分焙焼(表面が金色になるまで)して完成です


パウンドケーキ(Pound Cake)を作る(その1): Lemon Pound Cakeを作る。

Pound Cakeのは、小麦粉:砂糖(グラニュー糖換算):油脂(バター):卵=1:1:1:1(すべて1ポンド≒454グラム)で混合するのが基本組成です。下の表で丁度X軸とY軸が1.0の位置で交差する交点に位置する最もベーシックなケーキとなります。

このサイトでの種々のケーキの分類:: 横軸は使用する卵黄(ey)/卵白(ew)の個数比(Ney/New)、縦軸は使用する砂糖(グラニュー糖換算)/小麦粉の重量比(w/w)

レモンパウンドケーキ(Weekend Citroen)はその代表作といえるケーキです。油脂の使用量が多いですのでメレンゲに含まれる気泡による等温膨張作用だけでは生地が膨らみませんのでベーキングパウダーの使用は必須となります(基本的に小麦粉1カップ(≒110グラム)に対してベーキングパウダー1パック(3.5グラム)の割合で混合します)。使用する小麦粉のタンパク(グルテン)濃度によりケーキの硬さやボリューム感が変わってきます。標準的なplain flour相当のグルテン濃度(10% w/w前後)であれば少し硬めの感じに仕上がります。


汎用している牛乳パックで作成した直方体の焼き型(7cm x 7cm x 33 cm)を使用します(作成方法は→カステラを焼くを参照)。使用した材料は、レモンジュース(サンキスト100%レモン、サンキスト)、ケーキシロップ(メープル風味ケーキシロップ、カンピー)、バター(北海道バター、雪印メグミルク)、ファットスプレッド(ネオソフト、雪印メグミルク)、以下はすべていつもの材料です。

Basic Component of Pound CakeAmount for 1 large custom square pan
Blended Batter100 gram salted batter + 85g fat spread
Cake Syrup56 gram
Whole Egg4 e.a.
Superfine Sugar130 gram
Lemon Juice30 gram (even to 1 lemon)
Blended Flour110 gram cake flour + 112 gram bread flour
Baking Powder3.5 gram (1pack)
Lemon Essencea few drops
Baking Trick170C for about 40 minutes
Basic component of the pound cake : To prevent the batter sticking to the paper mold, combine butter and fat spread. Adding cake syrup will save labor on mixing the butter to the creamy.
Water IcingAmount for 1 batch
Powdered Sugar92 gram
Lemon Juice18 gram
 Glace a l’eau as known as water icing: Usual water icing consists of powdered sugar (with cornstarch) and water. For weekend citroen, use lemon juice (fresh lemon juice) for solvent.

Instructions: 調理法

まず、オーブンを170℃に予熱します。カステラを作成する際同様に7cm x 7cm x 33cmの大型の焼き型を牛乳パックとアルミフォイルで作成します。その内側にクッキングシートで作成した焼き型をもう一つ入れます。

薄力粉110グラムと強力粉112グラム、ベーキングパウダー3.5グラムを生地の上から篩い、スパチュラで常法(down to up, and center to margin folding method)に基づき丁寧に小麦粉が目視できなくなるまで丁寧に混ぜます。この時レモンエッセンスを数滴加えて香りを調整します。
⑥焼き型に注ぎ、オーブンで170℃ x 約40分焙焼します。

Making Pound Cake: Preheat the oven up to 170C. Prepare 7cm x 7cm x 33㎝ paper square mold aluminum foiled with using 2 mill packs. Place parchment-paper mold within the aluminum foiled mold. ① Combine 100 gram salted batter and 85 gram fat spread, 56 gram cake syrup in a middle bowl until it gets creamy. ② Place 4 whole egg and 130 gram superfine sugar in a large bowl over the double boiler (Bain-marie). Mix well until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat and pour 30 gram lemon juice to electric-whisk until the ribbon stage (about triple volume), ③ Pour the batter cream in 3 to 4 batches into the creamy egg mixture to fold gently until well incorporated. ④ Sift 110 gram cake flour, 112 gram bread flor and 3.5 gram baking powder over the butter to fold it according to the down to up folding method. Add a few drops of lemon essence. ⑤ Pour the batter into the mold. Oven-bake at 170C for about 40 minutes. Then cool it at room temperature. Pour the water icing over the top.

Baked Cheesecakeを作る(その3): New York Cheesecakeを湯煎法(Hot Bath)で焼いてみる。

New York Cheesecake

New York cheesecakeは、濃厚でしっとりしたclassical cheesecakeの代表格として有名で完熟しきっていないクリームチーズ、卵、コーンスターチ、サワークリームを用いて作成するのが特徴です。オリジナルな調理法は、湯煎法を用いず400oF(≒200℃)で10分表面に焼き目をいれた後、225oF(≒110℃)で25分追加焙焼を行う2段階焙焼を基本としその後オーブン内でクーリング(約1hr)することで十分に焼き進みを加えて仕上げるようです。最近は湯煎焼き(hot bath)を用いたレシピが主流となっているようなので湯煎焼きで仕上げてみました。

高温で焼き上げるbaked cheesecakeとしてはBasque blunt cheesecakeが有名でバスクチーズケーキは220℃で約45分焙焼して焼き上げます。個人的には、表面の焦がし具合を除けば湯煎法を用いなければ濃厚さ、食感ともに近似しているように感じますが湯煎法が主流になったことでに食感(特に口どけ感)がかなり変化した印象を受けます。ちなみに以前に焼成したバスクチーズケーキの断面像は下図です。

Basque blunt cheesecake: A Basque cheesecake is typically oven-baked at high temperature with surface dark-browned,

Ingredients: 材料と配合組成


Biscuit plateAmount for φ18cm cake pan
Powdered Biscuit120 gram
Meletd Butter60 gram
Biscuit Plate: Any available biscuit can be substituted for the basal biscuit plate.
Cheesecake BatterAmount for φ18cm cake pan
Cream Cheese500 gram
Superfine Sugar82 gram
Coarse Salt3 gram
Lemon Juice5 gram
Whole Egg2 e.a.
Sour Cream100 gram
Cornstarch10 gram
Vanilla Oila few drops
Baking Trick160C for about 90 minutes (hot bath)
Cheesecake batter: No heavy cream ia added.

Instructions: 調理法


⑤180℃ x 5~6分調理します。色調がもとのビスケット様になるくらいで十分です。焦がしを入れる必要性はありません。

Making biscuit plate: Preheat the oven up to 180C. ① Place biscuits into a mortar to crush it into the powder with a pestle rod. Make 120 gram biscuit powder in total. ② Prepare 60 gram butter in a measuring cup over medium heat to get into the melted bitter. ③ Pour the melted butter into the biscuit powder and mix well with a fork. ④ Dump the butter-biscuit powder into the cake pan to press it tightly with a spoon and a pestle rod. ⑤ Oven-bake at 180C for about 5 to 6 minutes. ⑥ Let it cool at room temperature.



Making Cheesecake batter. In advance, line a parchment paper with 10cm height on the side of the cake pan. Cover the outside of the pan with aluminum foil doubly to avoid entering water while baking in a hot bath. Preheat the oven up to 160C. In all steps of the making procedure, do not whisk with a handy electric-mixer but with a balloon whipper.① Place 500 gram cream cheese in a large bowl over simmering water (Bain-marie) until you can easily whisk with a balloon whisk. ② Add 82 gram superfine sugar and gently whisk it well. ③ Pour 5 gram lemon juice and mix well. ④ Place a whole egg into the batter. Whisk it gently until well incorporated, one by one. ⑥ Dump 100 gram sour cream in to the batter and whisk it well. ⑦ Add 10 gram cornstarch to mix well. ⑧ Pour the batter into the prepared mold. ⑨ Oven-bake in a hot bath at 160C for about 90 minutes, Then leave it in the oven with the door half-opened foe about 20 to 30 minutes, The hot bath is prepared on poring hot water into the baking plate with the aluminum-foiled pan steeped at least 2cm from the bottom. ⑨ Leave it at room temperature on a cooling rack. ⑩Chill in a fridge over 6 hours.




Basic Castella Sponge Cake; Sponge Cakeを作る(その9): 牛乳パックで作成した焼型を用いて、自宅のオーブンで基本のカステラを焼いてみた。


カステラは、下図上段の右に位置するhigh ratio cakeの究極バージョンになります。使用する卵黄/卵白の個数比が逆転していますので濃厚カステラを作成しようとするほど混ぜ合わせが困難になってきます。適度の保湿は焼きあがったカステラの口どけ感を左右する決定的因子となりますので必然的に強力粉主体のレシピとなります。

このサイトでの種々のケーキの分類:: 横軸は使用する卵黄(ey)/卵白(ew)の個数比(Ney/New)、縦軸は使用する砂糖(グラニュー糖換算)/小麦粉の重量比(w/w)

自宅のオーブンでカステラを焼くにはまず適当な焼型を考える必要があります。市販の木製のカステラ専用の焼き型を使用するのもよいですが大きさなどが限定される上にいろいろ準備が煩雑です。要はオーブンクッキングの要となるアルミホイルをどういう風に用いて熱の伝導調整を行うかが大体つかめればそこら辺にあるものを利用して焼成できることになります。アルミニウムの熱伝導率は237 W/(m・K)と銅に次いで高値です。したがって熱伝導率の極めて低い紙(≒0.06)を即席の断熱壁としてアルミホイルで囲い込むことにによって専用焼型同様の等温膨張過程を再現します。重要なのは牛乳パックの内面のアルミホイルの巻き数ですが、私は側面1重、底面3重に敷いてザラメの部分の底面とスポンジケーキの部分の熱伝導を調整しています(使用している天板の熱伝導率が多少影響するとは思います)。とりあえずのところこの重層比でそこそこのカステラが仕上がっているように感じています。この構成によりオーブンクッキングにおける加熱形態が、空気からの対流伝熱により遮蔽を受けていない表面方向から生じる形でリードされるように誘導します。アルミホイルの内側には表面のシリコーン加工されたクッキングシートで作成した型をもう一つ置きます。これはシリコーン(熱伝導率≒1.3)によるアルミホイルへのカステラの焦げ付きを防止するためです。


上図は1Lの牛乳パックを2つ重ねて断熱壁を作成しています(V=7cm x 7cm x 33cm)。これが我が家の天板に乗せられる最大サイズになります。上面以外が即席の断熱面となります。アルミホイルは作成が簡単になるように幅が25cmのものを使用します。理論的には外面をアルミホイルで囲う分は節約してもよいと考えますが作成を簡易化するために全体に巻き付けます。まず属面に図のようにアルミホイルを1層巻いてホチキスで止めます。次に110 cm x 25cmのサイズにアルミホイルをはさみで切断し2、続いて110 cm x 12.5cmの長方形2つに2分します。両端を織り込んで幅を7cm弱に整えます。これを内側底面からかぶせ両端の正方形面もカバーします。これをもう1層して位置が移動しないようにホチキスで止めます。
次に、内側に設置するクッキングシート製の型を作ります。幅30cmのシートを使用して、6.8cm x 11.6cm x 32.8cmの直方体の型を作成します。これもホチキスで止めて作成します。牛乳パック型の内側に設置して準備完了です。

Ingredients: 材料と配合組成


Castella Sponge CakeAmount for 7cm x 33cm x 7cm pan
Crystal Sugar (medium size)25 gram
Egg Yolk (L)5 ea. (100 gram)
Superfine Sugar65 gram
Cake Syrup45 gram
Whole Milk (hot)45 gram
Egg White (L)4 ea. (160 gram)
Lemon Juice4 gram
Superfine Sugar 120 gram
Bread Flour150 gram (ratio S/F ≒1.64 )
Vanilla Oila few drops
Baking Trick170C x 10 min plus 160C x 50 minutes
Basic Castella Sponge Cake : The ratio sugar / flour is estimated to be about 1.64 in terms of granulated sugar.

Instructions: 調理法

③加える砂糖の量が多いですので4回にに分けてsoft peak手前から加えていきます。最終的にはstiff peakとfirm peakの中間位に仕上げます。
④go back methodに従い攪拌した卵黄とメレンゲをスパチュラで混ぜます。

Making castella sponge cake butter : ① Cast 5 egg yolks and 65 gram superfine sugar into a large bowl to mix well with a balloon whisk over simmering water in a saucepan (Bain-marie). The sugar resolved, leave it at room temperature for a while. ② Pour 4 egg whites and 4 gram lemon juice into a metal bowl. Electric-whisk until lightly whipped. ③ Gradually adding 120 gram superfine sugar in 4 batches, continue electric-whisking until firm peak form near stiff peak form. ④ According to go-back method, fold the meringue and the egg yolk mixture until well incorporated.


Making batter and oven-baking: ⑤ Pour 45 gram maple-tasted cake syrup and 45 gram whole milk into a 250 ml measuring cup. Warm it in a hot water. ⑥ Sift 150 gram bread flour over the egg yolk-meringue mixture and fold it gently gradually adding the hot milk-syrup until well incorporated. ⑦ Sprinkle 25 gram medium size crystal sugar into the cooking paper mold. ⑧ Pour the batter and flip it down a few times to remove air bubbles. ⑨ Oven bake at 170C for 10 minutes and add further baking at 160C for about 50 minutes. Do not over-bake.


一般に食材(炭水化物、タンパク質など)に含まれる成分では水の熱伝導率がとびぬけて高く(0.600 W/(m・K))、そのため焙焼時間は水の含有量に左右されると言えます。カステラは”如何に水分を保持した状態でしっとり焼き上げるか”が焼成の基本テクニック。最近は電子レンジ調理(microwave cooking)も流行っている様ですのでこれを用いてうまく焼き時間と熱量の設定条件を決めることができれば家庭でも大量に焼き上げることが可能かもしれませんね。

Strong-tasted Sachertorte ; Sponge Cakeを作る(その8) : カカオ85%ブラックチョコレートを用いて濃厚テイストのザッハトルテ( Hotel Sacher ver.)を作ってみた。


バレンタインデーも近いですので、普段あまり手を出さないチョコレートスポンジケーキの王道”ザッハトルテ”を作ってみました。”Modern French Pastry”には、”チョコレートが苦手だという者は、単に素敵なチョコレートに巡り合っていないだけだ”とある。ならばということで、”究極のストロングテイストの”大人味チョコレートケーキを”というコンセプトでホテルザッハー風のザッハトルテを作ってみました。

Ingredients: 材料と配合組成



Strawberry JamAmount
Fresh strawberry 280 gram (2 pack)
Superfine Sugar105 gram
Lemon Juice6 gram
Strawberry Jam : When using granulated sugar, prepare a half volume (weight) of strawberries.
Sacher Chocolate Sponge CakeAmount for φ18cm cake pan
Salted butter210 gram
Powdered Superfine sugar56 gram
Egg Yolk (M)8 ea.
Dark Chocolate210 gram
Cake Flour125 gram
Bread Flour (Strong Flour)60 gram
Pure Cocoa Powder25 gram
Egg White8 ea.
Powdered Superfine Sugar56 gram
White Wine Vinegar3 gram
Vanilla Oil a few drops
Baking Trick170C x 40 minutes plus 180C x 10 minutes
Sacher Sponge Cake : The amount (weight) of salted butter equals to that of dark chocolate, to that of total volume of flour ( cake flour, bread flour and cacao powder).


Chocolate GlazeAmount
Dark Chocolate165 gram
Powdered Superfine Sugar125 gram
Water75 gram
Chocolate Glaze : The volume of this recipe is just only one batch for glazing. I think it better to use 200 gram dark chocolate and adjust each amount in proportion to it respectively.

Instructions: 調理法



Preparing the strawberry jam for Sacher glaze: ① Place 280 gram strawberries and 105 gram superfine sugar, 6 gram lemon juice in a saucepan. Leave it at room temperature until it gets somewhat juicy. ② Crush the strawberries roughly with a wooden spoon. ③ Simmer it over the medium heat to bring it to a boil. ④ Transfer the strawberry mixture into a 500 mL measuring cup. Electric-blend until it gets in to puree. ⑤ Get the puree back to the saucepan. Simmer it over medium-low heat with stirring continuously with the wooden spoon and concentrate until you can see the bottom of the saucepan for a second when you stir the jam.


また生地をメレンゲと混ぜるのが非常に困難ですのでメレンゲはsoft peakに仕上げます。soft peakメレンゲ作成のためあらかじめ粉砕上白糖を作成します。

Making Sacher chocolate sponge cake : In advance, prepare powdered superfine sugar to electric-mix typical superfine sugar into fine powder. Line parchment paper on the bottom and the side of φ18 cm cake pan. Preheat the oven up to 170C. ① Dump 210 gram salted butter in a large bowl and electric-whisk roughly. ② Add 56 gram powdered superfine sugar and continue to electric-whisk until it gets creamy and well incorporated. ③ Separate egg yolks from egg white. Place 1 egg yolk into the butter cream to electric-whisk until well incorporated. Repeat that procedure 8 times until all egg yolks are exhausted. Do not mix all at one time. ④ Dump 210 gram dark chocolate into a middle heat-durable bowl. Melt the chocolate over simmering water in a saucepan (Bain-marie). ⑤ When the fluid chocolate gets a little thick, pour it into the egg yolk-butter mixture to electric-whisk until well incorporated.

⑧若干soft peak気味になったところで粉砕上白糖56グラムを2回に分けて投入し、電動ミキサーで攪拌してsoft peakメレンゲに仕上げます。メレンゲの硬度をこれ以上上げると粉類との混合が困難になりますので注意が必要です。
⑨go back methodに従いメレンゲを少量チョコ卵黄クリームに投入しスパチュラで丁寧に混ぜ合わせます。これをメレンゲボウルにもどします。丁寧にdown to up foldで均等になるよう混ぜ合わせます。この時香りの調整にバニラオイルを数滴滴下しておきます。
スパチュラで丁寧にcenter to margin & down to up foldしていきます。こんなものを本当に混ぜることが出きるのかと思える粘度ですが、丁寧に混ぜるとheavy volumeの超粘調バッターが完成します。

Making soft peak meringue and batching : ⑥ Place 8 egg whites and 3 gram white wine vinegar into a metal bowl. Electric-whisk roughly at low speed until it turned white and fluffy. ⑦ Gradually adding 56 gram sugar in 2 batches, electric-whisk until the soft peak form. Do not over-whisk. ⑧ According to “go back method”, mix the soft peak meringue and chocolate dough with folding it gently with a spatula. Give it a few drops of vanilla oil on folding. ⑨ Sift 125 gram cake flour, 60 gram bread flour and 25 gram cocoa powder in a large cup to stir it well with a fork. Then sieve it over the dough and fold it gently until well incorporated. Although the butter is too hard to fold well, do not surrender to intimidation. ⑩ Pour the batter in to the cake pan. Oven bake at 170C for 40 minutes and additionally at 180C for about 10 minutes. After that, leave it on a cooling rack at room temperature.



Making Chocolate Glaze : ① Pour 75 gram water and 125 gram powdered superfine sugar in a saucepan over medium-high heat. ② When it comes to a boil, turn off the burner. Once the temperature has dropped down to 80C, dump 165 gram dark chocolate into it. Stir well with a balloon whipper.



Assembling : ① Cut the sponge cake horizontally into 2 parts of the same volume and remove irregular surface. ② Paste the strawberry jam sufficiently on the surface of the lower layered sponge cake. Put the another sponge cake on it. Similarly pour the jam on top. Lastly glaze the chocolate. ③ Chill it in a frige for about 3 hours.



Baked Cheesecakeを作る(その2); ティラミス風マスカルポーネチーズケーキ: ティラミス(Tiramisu)に使用するマスカルポーネフィリング(Mascarpone filling)とクリームチーズを用いてバスクケーキの様に焼き上げてみた。


ティラミス風マスカルポーネチーズケーキ : Baked Mascarpone Cheesecake like Tiramisu


Ingredients: 材料と配合組成


For cookie crustAmount for φ18cm cake pan
Choco Chips (R)15 plates (207 gram)
Noir(R)18 plates (190.8 gram)
Melted Butter120 gram
For Mascarpone Cheesecake
Egg Yolk3 ea. (60 gram)
Superfine Sugar35 gram
Vanilla Oil2~6 drops
Mascarpone1 pack (250 gram)
Cream Cheese1 pack (200 gram)
Vanilla Cream removed from Chocolate Cookie65 gram
Egg White3 ea.(120 gram)
White Wine Vinegar3 gram
Super Fine Sugar35 gram
Salt0.5 gram
Vanilla cream of Noir was separated from cookie plates, which was reused with Mascarpone-Cheese cream component.

Instructions: 調理法

<1> クッキークラストの作成法

Making Chocolate Cookie Crust : Line parchment paper on the bottom and the side of φ18cm round springform cake pan, beforehand. Preheat the oven up to 180C. ① Put all of “Choco Chips” (207 gram) into a mixer to crush it into powder. ② Remove vanilla cream from Noir with a knife, that is supposed to be combined with Mascarpone Cream cheese . ③ Put all of the black cocoa cookies of Noir into the mixer to crush it into powder and mix it with the Choco Chips powder. ④ Prepare 120 gram butter melted over medium heat. ⑤ Power the melted butter into the blended powder to mix well. Dump it into the mold (cake pan) to make a cookie crust. Press the cookie dough with a spoon firmly and evenly to make a high lateral wall. ⑦ Let it cool for 30 minutes in a fridge. ⑧ Oven-bake at 180C within 10 minutes (about 7 minutes). ⑨ Keep it in a fridge until use.

④中型ボウルに卵白3個分を入れ、白ワインビネガーを3グラム、塩0.5グラムを加えます。電動ホイッパーsoft peakまで攪拌する。
⑤上白糖をtotal 35グラム加え、stiff peakまで混合します。砂糖は常法に基づき2回に分けて混合します。
⑥メレンゲとマスカルポーネをスパチュラを用いて丁寧に混合していきます。混合は中心から外側、下から上方向に丁寧にスパチュラを動かします(center to margin, down to up fold method)。

Preparing Mascarpone Cream cheese : The following procedure is performed under Bain-marie until cream cheese has got incorporated with Mascarpone. ① Separate egg yolks from egg whites. Keep egg whites in a fridge until use. ② Place 3 egg yolks (60 gram) and 35 gram superfine sugar into a large bowl and whisk well over simmering water in a sauce pan (Bain-marie) until the sugar is completely resolved.. ③ Add 250 gram Mascarpone with a few drops of vanilla oil and whisk until well incorporated. ④ Add 200 gram cream cheese with all of the previously removed vanilla cream (65 gram) and whisk well until the no streak of the cream cheese is seen. Then remove from heat to keep it at room temperature. ⑤ Place 3 egg whites and 3 gram white wine vinegar, 0.5 gram salt in a middle bowl. Electric-whisk until the soft peak form. ⑥ Gradually adding 35 gram superfine sugar in 2 batches, electric-whisk until the stiff peak form. ⑦ Combine the Mascarpone cream cheese mixture and the stiff peak meringue with folding it gently with a spatula according to the center to margin, down to up folding method. ⑧ Pour the batter into the cookie crust. Oven-bake at 160C for 45 minutes, Chill it in a fridge overnight.



Peach Bavarian Charlotte Cakeを作る ; ピーチババロアケーキ : 桃のコンポートジュースを用いてババロアとクリームチーズムースを作成、シャルロットケーキに閉じ込めてみた。



桃のコンポートを用いてピーチムース/ピーチババロアの2層仕立てのケーキを作ってみました。下地のスポンジケーキはビスキュイ(Bisucuit )=レディーフィンガー(lady finger)スポンジケーキを使用しました。ババロア(Bavarois)はカスタードクリームとフルーツカード作成の際の基本手技を組み合わせたような調理法で作成しますので、この2種類の卵黄クリーム作成法をマスターしていれば容易に作ることができます。ムースの上にババロアをのせると非常に口当たりがよくなります。こんな感じのシャルロットケーキもいかがなものでしょうか?

Ingredients : 材料と配合組成

生クリーム(純乳脂40;スジャータめいらく)、クリームチーズ(雪印メグミルク)、バター(含塩)(北海道四つ葉バター;四つ葉乳業)、パウダーゼラチン(クックゼラチン;森永製菓)ココアパウダー(カカオ70 ; 森永製菓)、白ワイン(Redwood)を使用しました。

For Cocoa Lady finger batter For φ18cm cake pan
Egg York5 ea.
Superfine Sugar45 gram
Egg White5 ea.
White Wine Vinegar3 gram
Superfine Sugar45 gram
Vanilla Oila few drops
Cake Flour82 gram
Cocoa Powder8 gram
For Peach Cream Cheese Mousse
Fresh Peach Puree128 gram (1 ea.)
Heavy cream100 gram
Cream Cheese100 gram
Superfine Sugar30 gram
Powder Gelatin8 gram
Cold water (for solvent)40 gram
For Peach Bavaroise
Egg Yolk3 ea.
Superfine Sugar20 gram
Peach compote Juice150 gram
Heavy Cream200 gram
Powder Gelatin10 gram
Peach Compote Juice (for solvent)50 gram
Vanilla Oila few drops
For Topping with Nappage
Powder gelatin3 gram
Peach Compote Juice(for solvent)30 gram
Fresh Peach Slice1 ea.
Notice: The cocoa powder used in this recipe is not “pure cocoa powder”, coming up with ” high-bitter cocoa” commercially. Peach compote juice is previously made ( →see the section “peach compote”.)



②卵白5個、白ワインビネガー3グラムをメタルボウルに入れ電動ホイッパーでsoft peakまで泡立てします。
③上白糖を2回に分けて加えながらstiff peakまでメレンゲを仕上げます。
④泡立て卵黄とメレンゲをgo back methodに従い合わせていきます。この時バニラオイルを適量加えて卵臭さを中和しておきます。
⑥絞り袋に生地を移し、クッキングシートの上にティラミス作成のとき同様にφ18cmの円と6 x 20 cm長方形x2個に生地を絞ります。表面にパウダーシュガーを2回篩います。
⑦オーブンで190℃ X 約10分焼成します。焼きあがったらクーリングラックの上で室温で冷まします。

Preparing Lady-finger sponge cake ;
1. Place 5 egg yolks and 45 gram superfine sugar in a middle bowl and whisk until sugar is completely dissolved, over simmering water in a saucepan ( Bain-marie ).
2. Place 5 egg whites and 3 gram white wine vinegar in a metal bowl. Electric-whisk until soft peak form. Gradually adding 45 gram superfine sugar ( in 2 batches), continue electric-whisk until stiff peak form.
3. According to ” go back method”, gently fold the egg yolk mixture into the stiff peak meringue. Add a few drops of vanilla oil to decrease the smell of egg.
4. Sift 82 gram cake flour and 8 gram cacao powder over the egg yolk mixture. Fold gently so as not to deflate the meringue.
5. Transfer the batter into a pastry bag. Pipe 2 sets of the round (φ 18 cm) and the rectangular ( 6 x 18 cm ) with φ 1 cm width on a parchment paper. Sprinkle powder sugar appropriately over the dough twice.
6. Oven-bake at 180C for about 10 minutes until the surface gets golden brown.
7. Cool it on the cooling rack at room temperature.
8. Trim it as you like, but carefully re-size the round-shaped cake just fitting to the internal diameter of the sponge cake dome.

②生クリーム100グラムに上白糖20グラムを加えます。電動ホイッパーを用いてstiff peakに仕上げます。

Making Peach Cream Cheese Mousse :
1. Cast 8 gram powder gelatin into the 40 gram peach compote ( prepared beforehand) and bloom it in a small cup. Keep it cool in a fridge until use.
2. Pour 100 gram cold heavy cream in a metal bowl and add 20 gram superfine sugar. Electric-whisk until stiff peak form.
3. Dump 100 gram cream cheese into the whipped cream in 4 batches. Electric-whisk until no streak of the cream cheese can be seen.
4. Electric-blend 128 gram fresh peach ( 1 ea.) into puree. Pour it into the cream cheese mixture. Electric-whisk until well incorporated.
5. Heat the pre-bloomed gelatin until completely dissolved. Pour it into the cream cheese mixture and electric-whisk until smooth. The peach cream mousse has done.
6. Pour the mousse all into the sponge cake dome. Place the round-shaped cake over the mousse.

⑥粘調になりはじめたらスパチュラで混ぜながら、レモンカード作成( see→レモンカード)の際同様にスパチュラに指腹で1本線が引けるようになったところで加熱を止めます。

Making Peach Bavarois :
1. Cast 10 gram powder gelatin into the 50 gram peach compote and bloom it. Chill it in a fridge until use.
2. Place 3 egg yolks and 20 gram superfine sugar into a large bowl and whisk it well.
3. Pour 200 gram heavy cream and the 150 gram peach compote into a saucepan over medium heat to bring it to a boil.
4. Gradually pouring the hot cream into the egg mixture with stirring continuously to temper it.
5. Go back the mixture into the saucepan over medium-low heat. Whisk continuously until it gets slightly thicken. Stay cautious not to get burned by frequent boiling up.
6. Exchange the balloon whipper for a spatula and continue to concentrate. When the dough gets enough thicken to draw a line on the surface of the spatula with your finger, the dough has done.
7. Remove from heat and transfer the dough into the bowl. Chill it in a fridge to stop further baking.


⑧ Take the peach cream out from the fridge when its temperature gets as low as body temperature. Warm the bloomed gelatin until it gets resolved, mix well into the peach compote cream.
⑨ Pour it into the dome and chill it in a fridge overnight to confirm the bavarois gets firm.
⑩Slice a fresh peach and set on top. Pour nappage over it.


Non baked Cheesecakeを作る (その1); 基本のノンベークドチーズケーキ: 市販のビスケットを粉砕して作成したビスケットプレートにクリームチーズムースをのせて作成/クリームチーズムース(cream cheese mousse)の作り方と粉ゼラチン(powdered gelatin)の使い方


ノンベークドチーズケーキ : Basic Non baked Cheesecake (peach taste)


Ingredients : 材料と配合組成


For Basic Biscuit PlateFor φ18 cm cake pan
Biscuit120 gram
Melted butter60 gram
For Cream Cheese Mousse
Heavy Cream200 gram
Superfine Sugar20 gram
Cheese Cream200 gram
Peach Compote100 gram
Powder Gelatin15 gram
Cold Water (for solvent)75 gram
For Top layer
Peach Compote83 gram
Powdered gelatin3 gram
Cold Water (for solvent)15 gram
Note that : About 2.5% powder gelatin (weight per total weight) is applied for the cream cheesecake mousse, and 3% for the top gelatin layer, respectively. 5 fold volume of cold water (per gelatin used) should be prepared for blooming although the product instruction suggests to use 10 fold volume for solvent..

Instruction: 調理法


Preparing for Biscuit Plate : ① Line parchment paper on the bottom and side of a φ18 cm cake pan. ② Dump 120 gram biscuit into a mortar to crush into powder with a pestle rod. ③ Pour 60 gram melted butter and mix it well. ④ Place the powdered biscuit on the bottom of the cake pan to press it tightly to be flatten with a spoon. Chill it in a fridge until use.

⑤200グラムの生クリームを大型のボウルに注ぎ、20グラムの上白糖を加え電動ホイッパーでstiff peakまで仕上げます。

Making Cream Cheese Mousse : ⑤ Pour 200 gram cold heavy cream into a large bowl and add 20 gram superfine sugar. Electric-whisk until the stiff peak form. ⑥ Divide 200 gram cream cheese into 4 parts. Dump the divided cream cheese one by one into the whipped cream and electric-whisk thoroughly until no streak of the cream cheese is not seen. ⑦ Meanwhile, pour 15 gram powder gelatin into 75 gram water and bloom it. Chill it in a fridge. ⑧ Pour 100 gram peach compote into the cream cheese mixture, and electric-whisk until well incorporated. ⑨ Carefully warm the bloomed gelatin to reverse into the liquid form. Pour the liquid gelatin into the cream cheese mixture and electric-whisk until well incorporated, ⑩ Pour the final mixture into the cake pan and flatten the surface with a palette knife. ⑪ Chill it in a fridge until the surface gets firm for about 3 hours. ⑫ Prepare 3 gram gelatin into 15 gram cold water to be bloomed. ⑬ Leave 83 gram peach compote at room temperature and add subtle volume of food color to add vivid red color. ⑭ Warm the gelatin into the liquid, and mix it into the peach compote. Pour the peach compote mixture over the top of the cheesecake. Let it chill in a fridge overnight.


Peach Compoteを作る



Ingredients : 材料と配合組成


For Peach CompoteAmount for Use
Water300 gram
Superfine Sugar75~130 gram
White wine75 gram
Lemon Juice1 Tbsp (15 mL)
Vanilla Oila few drops
Fresh Peach1~2
It had better to use a deep saucepan that covers the peach is completely soaked in the fluid.

Instructions: 調理法


Making Peach Compote : ① Prepare 2 medium sized white peach ( Do not peel away). Cut into the half to scoop out the core with a spoon. ② Pour 75 gram white wine, 300 gram water and 75 gram superfine sugar into a saucepan over medium-low heat. ③ Once the sugar has completely dissolved, add 15 gram lemon juice (100%) and a few drops of vanilla oil to stir well. ④ Turn off a burner and dump all of the divided peaches into the wine-syrup. Again turn on a burner to bring it to a boil over medium heat. Once it has got boiled, put on the lid and get set over low heat. ⑤ Stir every 5 minutes to soak the peaches well into the wine-syrup for about 15 minutes. When the peach gets enough softened to pierce easily by chopsticks, remove from heat. ⑥ Remove the lid, and place 1 sheet of parchment paper as a drop lid deep inside of the saucepan. Let it cool at room temperature. The peach compote has done. ⑦ Separate the peaches from the juice.


For Cacao Swiss RollRequired Amount
Egg Yolk (M)3 ea.
Superfine Sugar10 gram
Whole Milk30 gram
Vegetable Oil (Canola)30 gram
Salt2 gram
Vanilla Oila few drops
Cacao Powder3.5 gram
Cake Flour30 gram
Bread Flour30 gram
Egg White3 ea.
White Wine Vinegar3 gram
Super Fine Sugar50 gram
Cacao Swiss Roll : Protein percentage has adjusted to about 10%.

調理法は、スイスロールの常法に基づいて作成しています(See→スイスロール)ので端折ります。Bain-marieで卵黄・砂糖を混ぜ牛乳とキャノラオイルを混ぜます。メレンゲをstiff peakに仕上げたのちgo back methodで混合します。最後に粉類を振るってスパチュラで混ぜでバッターの出来上がりです。


For Cheese Cream MousseAmount for Use
Heavy Cream100 gram
Superfine Sugar10 gram
Cream Cheese100 gram
Peach compote 10 gram
Powdered Gelatin2 gram
Cheese Cream Mousse Recipe


Mango-Apple Puree Ice cream Parfait を作る-Part2


ガトーインビシブル (Gateau Invisible) を焼く。


Ingredients: 材料と配合組成

自宅のオーブンに入る最大ボリュームの焼型を牛乳パックを2つ組み合わせて作成します。サイズは33cm x 7cm x 7cmの体積を持ちます。使用するリンゴはアップルコンポートの余りの王林(greeen apple)です。小麦粉の組成は、薄力粉:強力粉 = 90 : 50の傾斜配合としています(今回味付けにダークラムは使用していません)。リンゴのスライスを厚めにすることとバッターの小麦粉の量を増量することでパフェに必要なスポンジケーキの食感とビジュアル面ではっきりとしたリンゴの層のコントラスト、リンゴの歯ごたえを付加します。この意味ではinvisible → visibleにしていますのでapple sponge cakeに戻した形になります。

Gateau Invisible arranged as apple cakeFor 33 x 7 x 7 cm*3 rectangular pan
Egg Yolk (M)4 ea.
Superfine Sugar50 gram
Butter (melted)40 gram
Whole Milk200 gram
Egg Whites (M)4 ea.
White Wine Vinegar3 gram
Superfine Sugar30 gram
Vanilla Oila few drops
Bread Flour50 gram
Cake Flour90 gram
baking Powder1 pack (3.5 gram)
salt 1 gram
Apple (sliced)1.5 to 2 ea.
Dark Rum (*optionally)15 gram
Baking Trick170℃ x 55〜60 minutes
Gateau Invisible arranged for parfait : Procedure to making batter is followed by classic “separation forming method”.

Instructions: 調理法

まず、1L牛乳パックを2個合わせて、周囲を2回アルミホイルで覆います。クッキングシートで、33 x 11.5 x 6.8 cmサイズの内側に入れる紙型を作成します。両方をセットしてカスタムの角形の焼型の完成です。オーブンを170℃に予熱します。



Preparing for batter : ① Separate egg yolks from egg whites. Place 4 egg yolks and 50 gram superfine sugar in a large heat-durable bowl. Dissolve sugar over simmering water in a saucepan (Bain-marie). ② Remove from heat. Whisk until it gets pale and triple-voluminous as ribbon stage. ③ Pour 200 gram whole milk in a 250 mL measuring cup and put 40 gram butter into it. Then dissolve the butter in a hot water to make milk butter. ④ Meanwhile, peer an apple to cut into a half size. Remove core and slice it into about 5mm width.

soft peakに到達したら、上白糖を30グラム加えてさらに電動ホイッパーで高速泡立てを再開します。firm peakに到達したら泡立てを中止します。
⑧最初に1/4量位のメレンゲを卵黄クリームに投入し、馴染むまでスパチュラで丁寧に混ぜていきます。その後残ったメレンゲ を全て投入し気泡をできるだけ失わない様にフォールドしていきます。この時バニラオイルを数滴混ぜて香りを調整します。
⑨小麦粉( 薄力粉90グラム+強力粉50グラム)を篩い、気泡をできるだけ失わない様に丁寧にホールドします。

Mixing with Meringue : ⑤ The milk butter dropping low around 40C in temperature, combine it with the egg yolk mixture to whisk evenly until well incorporated. Leave it aside until use. ⑥ Place 4 egg whites and 3 gram white wine vinegar into a metal bowl. Electric-whisk at low speed until the soft peal form. ⑦ Add 30 gram superfine sugar and continue electric-whisking at high speed until it gets into the firm peak form. ⑧ Dump 1/4 volume of the meringue into the egg yolk mixture and fold it gently until well incorporated. Put all of the leftover of the meringue with a few drops of vanilla oil into it to fold it gently so as not to deflate as possible. .⑨ Sieve the flour (50 gram bread four and 90 gram cake flour) over it and combine with down to up fold from center to margin. ⑩ Put all the sliced apples into the batter and soak them well.



Oven-baking : ① Place the thin-sliced apples well soaked in the prepared rectangular pan. Overlay them evenly and flatly using chopsticks until exhausted. Finally pour the remaining batter over the apple layer. ② Place on a baking tray and oven-bake at 170C for about 60 minutes until the batter gets golden brown in color and well cooked. ③ Take out from the oven and remove the outer mold. Let it cool on a cooling rack at room temperature. ④ Then chill it in a fridge overnight attached with the paper mold. ⑤ Flip upside down and punch out the φ6 cm column using a cercle. The linear line of the sliced apple is clearly shown. ⑥ Set in a glass and pour the whipped cream on top as sample to taste.
